
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Economic security/ Evidence of the alarm

Ring The Bell PictogramFor the world economy, it`s a case of U.S. and them.
That was the conclusion of investors, executives and policy makers as they ended their annual trip to Davos, Switzerland last week with the U.S. poised to outpace world growth for the first time since 1999. Celebrations were muted by questions over whether the strongest U.S. expansion in 11 years will prove strong enough to power the global economy or whether it will be undone by slowing growth in Europe and China.
"The U.S. can marginally help the world, but it cannot do it alone," said former Deputy U.S. Treasury Secretary Stuart Eizenstat. He said there`s still a 50 percent chance that the drag from the rest of the world will prove greater than the momentum from the U.S. recovery.

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