
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

International security/ Beware of an Emperor bearing gifts

From youtube.com/watch?v=obeaiclfFBc: Barack Obama Meet Saudi Arabia's New King Salman after death of King AbdullahNo one in Western corporate media will tell you why US President Barack Obama is hitting Riyadh with a high-powered delegation to "pay his respects" to the new House of Saud potentate, King Salman.
Talk about a who's who -- including CIA head John Brennan; General Lloyd Austin, head of US Centcom; Secretary of State John Kerry; leading House Democrat Nancy Pelosi; and even senile Senator John "Bomb Iran"McCain.
It must have been heart wrenching for most in this crowd to skip a visit to the Taj Mahal in India so they would be part of the last-minute, "unscheduled" stop in Riyadh.
This is how the astonishing mediocrity that doubles as US Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, spun it;"Principally, I think this is to mark this transition in leadership and to pay respects to the family and to the people of Saudi Arabia, but I'm sure that while we're there they'll touch on some of the leading issues where we cooperate very closely with Saudi Arabia."

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