
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

International security/ You are not reading much about this in the American press

Bald EagleA note arrived a few days ago from one of my best informants in Europe. He had just met across a hotel dining table with a senior German executive, and the topic quickly turned to the crisis in Ukraine and the sanctions regime Washington has imposed on Russia.
I can do no better than give you the pertinent passage in the note:
"...I spoke : breakfast time in Europe: with the head of one of the largest companies in Germany. This declaration was one of the first items he mentioned. I took notes-because it is one of my clients-and here is what he said: `It is urgent for Europe to bring Obama and the people making the decisions behind him back to reality. If not, this will spiral first into a financial collapse, which will slam into all of Europe, and then who knows where it goes after that? Everywhere, far-right nationalist forces are building. Look at the last U.S. Congressional elections, and think what is coming. Will America ever have had a more nationalist Congress? Le Pen would be right at home in this crowd. The course we are on now is folly. Can`t they see that?`"
I wish I could say the German exec`s question is a good one, but the grim answer is too obvious. They can see nothing in Washington. We witness the single most reckless, destructive foreign policy this administration has yet devised, comparable in magnitude to Bush II`s decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

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