
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Immigration security

ANALYSIS - Syrian Refugees Are Impossible To Vet

The first load of 10,000 Syrian refugees arrived in Louisiana this past week. While it is ridiculous for Americans to have to verbalize the fact that we are concerned about the plight of these and all refugees, I preface the remainder of this commentary with this statement; “Americans are deeply concerned with the plight of these refugees.”

That said, the principal concern of Americans in reference to this is our own security, especially in light of the fact that one of the terrorists who attacked in Paris admitted to slipping into Greece as a Syrian born, ISIS jihadist. Our concerns are unfounded however, according to President Obama, because these individuals have been “vetted.”

It is vital, therefore, that we examine this caveat with an emphasis on the actual process itself. After all, if there is a discrepancy here, such as the possibility that we are being misled by the administration, the end result will not simply be that our President lied to us once again, the end result will be more dead Americans, adding to the Islamic inspired American deaths such as that which occurred in the attack at Fort Hood.

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