
Monday, May 30, 2016

Human trafficking

Maneka Gandhi Releases Human Trafficking Draft Bill, Says Victims Will Not Go To Jail

Maneka Gandhi Releases Human Trafficking Draft Bill, Says Victims Will Not Go To JailHuman Trafficking victims will not be sent to jail, according to the first draft bill of trafficking, which was released by Union Minister Maneka Gandhi on Monday.

"At present the law says the trafficked and the trafficker are both criminals and they both go to jail. Now, we are saying the victim will not go to jail. We will find different ways to reform her life," the minister said after releasing the draft bill on Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation).

She said decriminalisation of prostitution is a "grey area" which needs to be further discussed.

The provision was made in view of treating "victims as victims and not offenders", irrespective of the trade they are trafficked for, including sexual exploitation, which is currently punishable under Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956.

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