
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Poll results

Americans reject elites on national security

In a stunning new survey, Matt Towery Jr., head of Opinion Savvy, discovered that a majority of the American people oppose the national security policies of the elites.
The implications of this survey for the upcoming presidential election and Senate races could be extraordinary.
Mr. Towery had the courage to ask more politically incorrect questions than I have ever seen in one survey.
The results are heavily in favor of defending Americans from danger and against political correctness when dealing with Islamic supremacism and Sharia law. By margins of 5-1 or even 10-1, depending on the question, Americans repudiate the Clinton-Obama policies of weakness and political correctness.
“The results indicate that Americans’ views are somewhat at odds with the current model of national security, particularly with regard to screening visitors to the United States,” Mr. Towery said. “The survey contacted registered voters on the evenings of June 19th and 20th on their landline telephones and mobile devices. As with all of our surveys, the final data was weighted for several demographic variables to reflect the composition of the electorate.”

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