
Tuesday, October 31, 2017


“When the ATMs Go Dark in America…

I have grandchildren who live here in the United States.
That’s why I came back.
You see, I began writing this on an isolated ranch I own in the Andes Mountains. It’s 9,247 ft. above sea level, and a six-hour trek in 4-wheel drive from the nearest city.
I realize that must make me sound eccentric. And I can see why.
But when you come from nothing and grow up in a farming family, you understand that life can turn from good to bad very quickly…
…that the line separating our comfortable lives from disaster is thinner than most people care to know…
…that things are not always what they seem.
That’s what brought me out to that ranch: because things in America today are not what they seem.
And I believe that you and I are about to experience a shock not seen in this country in 200 years (the last time was in the 1800s).

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