
Friday, March 29, 2019

Politicized intel

Rand Paul: Former Obama CIA chief promoted ‘dossier,’ demands investigation of Obama team

Картинки по запросу Rand Paul
Sen. Rand Paul escalated his demand for an investigation into former Obama officials who “concocted” the anti-Trump Russia scandal, revealing that former CIA Director John Brennan was the key figure who legitimized the charges and discredited “dossier” against the president.
In an interview, the Kentucky Republican said the Senate Judiciary Committee should immediately ask Brennan about his involvement in the document that helped to kick off the Russia collusion investigation of President Trump.
“I think we need to find the truth,” he told Washington Secrets. He said the goal would be to stop similar faulty investigations into future administrations, “Democratic or Republican.”
In a tweet, he said that he heard from a high level source that Brennan helped to validate the “dossier” in intelligence reports.
“A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report ... Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP,” he tweeted.
In an earlier tweet Wednesday, Paul called for wide investigation into former President Barack Obama and his team. “Time for Congress to investigate. What did President Obama know and when? How did this hoax go on for so long unabated?

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