
Friday, February 21, 2020


France launches bedbug hotline in campaign to stamp out the itchy menace

Bed bug Cimex lectularius on human skin.
France thought it had gotten rid of bedbugs in the 1950s, but in recent years the blood-sucking insects have made a comeback.
In response to this unwelcome resergence, the French government launched an anti-bedbug campaign Thursday, which includes a dedicated website and an information hotline.
"We can all be affected," reads the website, which provides information on "strict measures" to prevent the spread of the small, flattened insects, which are about the same size as an apple seed.
Bedrooms and living rooms with sofas are at particular risk, and the insects prefer to live in dark areas, the website continues.
The parasites -- whose scientific name is Cimex lectularius -- feed on human blood and each one can bite up to 90 times in a single night, leaving sores similar to mosquito bites.
Recommended measures to prevent infestations include washing second-hand clothes at 60 degrees Celsius or higher before wearing them, and cleaning used furniture with dry heat before taking it home.

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