
Saturday, August 27, 2016

International security

Why Obama should declare a no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons

The world currently faces two existential threats: climate change and nuclear Armageddon. Those who doubt the existence of the first are generally derided as denialists, while those who play down the likelihood of the second are generally praised as realists. Perhaps this is why President Obama has been so cautious about declaring a “no-first-use” policy for America’s nuclear weapons during his final months in office, a proposal that has run into opposition even among top cabinet members. Major changes like this should not be taken lightly, of course, but the president should stick to his guns on this one. Not only would a no-first-use commitment reduce the risk of nuclear war and set a safer example for other nuclear powers, but it would do so at a time when arsenals are growing and tensions are mounting—particularly in Asia, where the main action of a new nuclear age is unfolding.

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