
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

National security

What to know about KT McFarland, Trump's national security pick

What to know about KT McFarland, Trump's national security pick
McFarland was deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs under President Ronald Reagan. She compared Trump's foreign policy views to Reagan's "peace through strength" mantra.
"I'd put him smack down in the middle where Ronald Reagan was," she said on Fox Business. "Have a strong military, but you don't use it, and you have such a strong military that nobody picks a fight with you. But then if they're dumb enough to do it, then you respond."
McFarland also ran for Senate in New York in 2006 but failed to win the Republican primary.
According to her bioMcFarland also served in national security posts in the Nixon and Ford administrations, as an aide to Henry Kissinger and as senior speechwriter to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. In 1985, she received the Defense Department's highest civilian honor, the Distinguished Service Award, for her work in the Reagan administration.

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