
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Seismic security

Yellowstone Supervolcano WARNING: Eruption would be 20 TIMES larger than infamous Vesuvius

Yellowstone Supervolcano: The volcano is ranked 'high-risk' on the US Geological Survey
...The last major eruption at Yellowstone was 640,000 years ago.
But earlier this year, Yellowstone National Park’s geyser erupted three times in six weeks, sparking fears a huge volcanic eruption was brewing.
Steamboat Geyser, which spewed water 91 metres high, erupted on March 15, April 19 and 25
The revelation followed an eruption and tsunami at Indonesia's Anak Krakatau on 22nd December.
The volcano, situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire and formerly of a similar size to Vesuvius, caused a tsunami that hit Sumatra and Java where more than 420 people died and 40,000 were displaced.
It is said to have lost three-quarters of its size in the immense eruption - the crater peak was brought down from 338 metres to 110 metres.

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