
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Energy security

Rotating blackouts could be imminent due to extreme weather, high winds

Derrick, electric, electricity, energy, industry, power, rig icon
Rotating blackouts could be imminent and more power shutoffs might be needed Tuesday and Wednesday due to extreme heat and high winds, energy officials warned.
The California Independent System Operator (ISO) declared a Stage 2 emergency order Saturday around 6 p.m., meaning that rotating blackouts throughout the state could be expected if people didn’t conserve energy from 3 to 9 p.m. The grid operator had previously issued a Flex Alert, asking customers to conserve energy from Saturday to Monday during a statewide heat wave in order to not overpower the grid system. The conservation of energy helps the power grid maintain reliability during the heat wave, according to ISO.
The ISO said the grid system is strained due to a loss of 1,600 megawatts of power — roughly equivalent to the amount electricity to power 1.2 million homes. The loss of power was from a combination of fires, high temperatures and load on the system. After 9 p.m., the ISO reported there were no blackouts.
PG&E also warned customers Saturday that a “Public Safety Power Shutoff,” might be needed Monday and Tuesday to help prevent wildfire danger. The warning is due to an offshore wind event expected late Monday night through Wednesday morning, the public utility announced Saturday afternoon. 

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