
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Election security


Election Fraud You Can See

Mainstream media, elected officials, and popular culture are attempting to steamroll America into surrendering to the pronouncement that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. The election certification train is leaving the station and joining the steamrolling.


As with so many other leftist missions, the “let’s move on… this is over..” mantra has been unleashed. But preservation of our democratic republic requires election integrity, and integrity requires investigation of serious allegations and evidence of election fraud, lest we anoint someone president who did not actually win.


Vote fraud, the kind that occurs in varying degrees in every election, where deceased people mysteriously vote, some individuals vote multiple times,  and mysterious pallets of ballots appear to save the election for the candidate who was losing, seems to be widespread. Affidavits in unprecedented numbers and scope, describing firsthand observations of perceived vote fraud, are piling up.


But election fraud, the electronic manipulation of voter tabulation software, also called vote-switching, is the burning issue that could change everything we think we know about election 2020.  The central question is how serious, how substantive, how real, is the evidence of widespread, systemic election fraud?   And why are so many Biden-supporting anti-Trumpers SO determined to shut down consideration of the evidence before it is presented? Sidney Powell’s promised upcoming lawsuits will no doubt be full of details that have made her so resolute and confident in saying that Trump won, and that she is about to  “release the Kraken … on steroids.”                                    

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