
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Election security

Rogue Elements of the CIA Are Operating Against President-elect Trump — Paul Craig Roberts

lex Jones catches a lot of grief. Some of it he brings on himself by being over the top, but most of the criticism he receives comes from his practice of dragging into the news issues that otherwise would remained cloaked in silence.
Alex is certainly correct to stress that elements in the CIA, or someone claiming to be CIA, are planting stories in the media that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and used the damning information to elect Trump.
The truth of the emails is not what is in question. It is their alleged Russian origin. There is no evidence for this claim. Wikileaks said the emails came to them as a leak from inside, not from an outside hack, and former top NSA official William Binney has said that if Russia was the source the NSA would have conclusive proof. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/46012.htm
What is striking about this controversy is that it is the CIA, not Russia, that is interfering in American elections.
The CIA is supposed to be concerned with foreign intelligence. It is not supposed to interfere in US affairs. Yet it is the CIA that is using fake news to delegitimize a president-elect.

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