
Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Russia builds laser cannon to blast space debris, report claims

Russian space agency plans to incinerate space junk with powerful laser beamA Russian company affiliated with the Russian space agency Roscosmos claims that it is working on developing a laser that could eliminate space debris. The report, first written about in RT, a Russian media company funded by the Russian government, said researchers at the Scientific and Industrial Corporation ‘Precision Instrument Systems’ (NPK SPP) are working on a new technology that would allow them to effectively vaporize the space debris using lasers. The company confirmed the document existed to Sputnik News, but did not elaborate any further. The article cited a report that was sent to the Russian Academy of Sciences, but a look at the recent publications from the Academy of Sciences on ResearchGate, does not show the report. The last report from the Academy of Sciences was in December 2017 on the topic of "Thermodynamic-kinetic Modeling of Chemical Weathering of Basaltic Tephra on Hawaii." ResearchGate is a database that compiles all scientific research that has been reviewed, regardless of origin.

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