
Friday, May 12, 2017

Nuclear security

Russia to Consider Security Issues When Deciding on Nuclear Disarmament - Moscow

The Foreign Ministry and the Moscow City International Business Center, back, in Moscow. (File)Russia will take into account the unstable international security situation when deciding on any further steps in the sphere of nuclear disarmament, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's department for non-proliferation, Mikhail Ulyanov, told Sputnik Friday.

According to the diplomat, there are international issues hampering the full nuclear disarmament, such as ballistic missile defense development by the United States, the lack of a ban on the weapons deployment in space, the failure of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty to entry into force and imbalance in the sphere of conventional arms.
"None of these issues is solved and of course we will inevitably take into account these circumstances when considering the issue of whether and when we can take additional steps [in nuclear disarmament]," Ulyanov said.

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