TTIP Behind Paris Massacre? (Updated 17th November- the GMO issue)
France threatening to pull out of the TTIP places them in the cross hairs of Wall Street and Washington. That is if the main perpetrators are actually IN those locations, or in some other undisclosed location where the authors of this diabolical plot and the main beneficiaries are living in secrecy.
The last time any country attempted not to be part and parcel of this New World Order that has been carefully planned for over a century, (pilfering taxes, manipulating the Federal Reserve for their benefit and raping all the markets every which way they can, as well as the biggest bank robbery and theft of of all time on 9/11,trillions disappearing out of the Pentagon and gold taken out of the Twin Towers,) those countries got a very rude calling card.
Japan was hit with Fukushima, New Zealand and Chile with earthquakes and Mexico with a hurricane. As Obama was recently heard to say, they have ways and means of getting other countries to see things their way.
France has a track record for not playing ball with the USA. De Gaulle woke up to the gold heist before any other nation did and demanded France’s gold back. The French are also not too pleased about genetically modified foods and seeds. After all, cuisine is one of their fortes. McDonald’s they barely tolerate, but to have their whole food industry controlled by Monsanto is a bridge too far.
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