
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Military procurement

Donald Trump blasts defense contracting titans for overpriced weapons

"The F-35 program and cost is out of control," President-elect Donald Trump tweeted on Dec. 12. "Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th." (Associated Press)Military reformers in the nation’s capital may have found a soul mate in a billionaire real estate magnate who takes a keen interest in what things cost, including big weapons systems.
The reformers — an alliance of watchdog activists, technocrats and former government auditors — have long bemoaned the delays and cost overruns that plague the Pentagon’s procurement of ships, guns and planes.
Now, President-elect Donald Trump seems to have joined them. He has taken to Twitter to blast the titans of defense contracting for what he sees as overpriced weapons, suggesting a procurement overhaul may be a top priority to Defense Secretary-nominee James N. Mattis.
“To say the least, we are a bit stunned, albeit pleasantly so,” said Thomas P. Christie, the Pentagon’s former top weapons tester who has long advocated lower-cost alternatives.

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