National Security Bulldogs — Electric Cars

Tesla electric cars built in the United States help the US economy. Electric Volkswagens, BMWs, and Mercedes (Mercedess? Mercedeses? Mercedi?) built in Germany help boost the German economy. Electric Nissan LEAFs built in Japan help boost the Japanese economy.
Actually, come on, we all realize as well that LEAFs built in the UK help the UK economy, LEAFs built in the US (Tennessee) help the US economy, and Mercedes EQs built in the US would boost the US economy, right? … Right?
But that 20th century thinking misses why electric cars are really patriotic bulldogs of any country they are sold in.
Furthermore, that simplistic approach to the economic potential of electric cars misses why electric cars should be seen as best friends of our troops and our troops’ families.
How much does our military presence abroad protecting our oil interests cost the United States? Some estimates of what were widely seen as “oil wars” run into the trillions. (Trillions of dollars, not trillions of bushels of good ideas.)
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