
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Communication security

Battery-Free Cell phone for Search and Rescue Missions

batteryA cell phone that can never run out of battery could mean the difference between life and death for people in emergency situations. A few examples: A firefighter needing guaranteed communication with his or her colleagues; a person trapped following a natural disaster and needing to call for help; or a person in the developing world with limited alternate means of staying in touch with family.
Researchers from the University of Washington invented a prototype cell phone that requires no batteries; instead harvesting the few microwatts of power it needs to run from ambient radio signals — or even light.
“The reason we chose to build a battery-free phone is because phones are one of the most important devices that virtually everyone uses,” Vamsi Talla, a former UW electrical engineering doctoral student and Allen School research associate, told Digital Trends.

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