President Trump, This Is Why It's Time For A Full-Scale Purge Of The Intelligence Community: A 'Red Thread' Still Runs Through It
Indeed, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) General James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and FBI Director James Comey, and other Intelligence Community leaders, launched what amounts to an attempted coup d’etat—framing candidate and President Trump with false charges of colluding with Russia and obstruction of justice, setting him up for impeachment.
How someone like John Brennan, who once voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall for president, could become CIA Director, is a mystery worthy of investigation all by itself. A good start is Diana West’s new book “The Red Thread” that traces the hard-Left ideological tilt of Brennan and several other Intelligence Community coup plotters.
Although President Trump replaced its top leaders, this is by no means sufficient to “drain the swamp” in the Intelligence Community ranks, corrupted by bad leadership for many years. Contrary to the common view that Intelligence Community political bias existed only at the top among “the generals”, over the years too many “foot soldiers” have become politically biased too, endangering our nation with Left-leaning non-objective analysis.
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