
Monday, May 13, 2019

Seismic security

Yellowstone eruption could lead to ICE AGE and global WARS for remaining resources

yellowstoneThe Yellowstone Supervolcano in the US is one of the most feared volcanos in the world, and scientists believe we are right to be cautious. Although here are no immediate signs the caldera in Wyoming is about to blow, experts believe it could erupt one day as one is said to be overdue, and the consequences will be catastrophic. And it will not be the initial explosion which will put an end to life on Earth, although it would kill an estimated 87,000 people immediately and make two-thirds of the USA immediately uninhabitable, but the aftermath of it.
Geologists believe the ash from the eruption would encircle the globe in as little as 48 hours, and make temperatures drop by a minimum of two degrees celsius for as long as 20 years.

The cooling of the Earth could be catastrophic for the planet’s fragile ecosystem, kicking off a chain reaction of extinctions.

Naomi Woods, a Virginia Tech geology alumni, wrote on Q+A site Quora: “Due to prevailing wind currents everything east of the super volcano would suffer most. In the immediate vicinity - total destruction.

“Sunlight would be blocked out and the ash particulates would take several years to fall out from our atmosphere. My guess is 5-10 years if we are lucky, 15-20 years if were not.

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