
Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Divided America imperils national security and economic prosperity

Divided America imperils national security and economic prosperityWhen turning on the cable news or diving into social media, it is obvious that Americans find themselves living in either red or blue realities. From the pandemic response to even relitigating the 2016 election, everything is viewed through political lenses. Such partisanship itself is nothing new. It is as old as the republic itself. But we stand on perilous ground as we let partisanship color our perceptions of the government, the role it plays in our safety and security, and a sense of national unity. It has led us to this grey point in history as we face challenges at home and abroad.
As the death toll from the coronavirus pandemic increases, there is a left versus right divide over the efficacy of masks, the severity of the disease, and believing the fatality rate. Rather than a cohesive strategy to balance the concerns of public health with the economic impact of closures, the debate has become a false choice between public health and economic recovery. Pundits, rather than doctors and scientists, have even spoken about several therapies regardless of possibly fatal side effects.

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