
Monday, January 26, 2015

Courthouse security/ Doors to be kept open

Gavel 2Bigger names in global terrorism have been tried in New York's federal courts before but there has never been this kind of security all at once: Assault rifle-toting federal guards at every entrance, Homeland Security vans surrounding the courthouses, searches, metal detectors and sign-ins required for all trial visitors.

As a terror trial gets underway for a lone defendant in twin bombings of U.S. embassies nearly two decades ago, fears over the terror attacks in Paris and unrest a world away have raised security at the city's federal courthouses to levels not seen since the days after the Sept. 11 attacks.
But even with the ramped-up security which includes the recording of passing license plates, courthouse administrators said it was important that the doors be kept open and that anyone who enter be able to do so without fear of intimidation.

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