
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Crime/ Criminals are still at large

A portrait of Sergey MagnitskyGuilty parties still at large must be hunted down while mystery continues to cloud the death-in-custody 16 years ago of Russian finance sector lawyer Sergey Magnitsky, financial world elites were told at the Davos economic forum on Friday.
Absence of criminal proceedings in the riddle of Magnitsky’s death, unsolved since 2009, were “an outrage”, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told a session in the Swiss resort.
“This man did not just die,” Shuvalov said of the Hermitage Capital investment fund expert’s death. “He was not given aid, or something else happened."
“If those guilty of Magnitsky‘s death do not face criminal proceedings and are not punished, this is an outrage,” he said. “For this, people should be jailed or punished in some other way. I do not know why this was not done.”

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