
Monday, January 26, 2015

Cybersecurity/ Rapidly growing digital arms race
Cybersecurity is a priority for the United States, President Obama says. In his State of the Union address, he called on Congress to pass legislation. Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images / 2015 Getty ImagesAfter a year that saw destructive cyberattacks on major U.S. companies, President Obama’s call to stiffen America’s digital defenses could help bolster the bottom lines of top defense and aerospace contractors facing cutbacks in Pentagon spending.
In his State of the Union address last week, Obama urged Congress to pass legislation to help battle the spies, thieves and saboteurs who have wreaked havoc at major financial institutions, communications companies, retail chains and other civilian companies and infrastructure. The proposed bill would enhance information sharing between government and the private sector.
“No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets, or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids,” Obama said. “We are making sure our government integrates intelligence to combat cyberthreats, just as we have done to combat terrorism.”

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