
Friday, January 23, 2015

Defense/ How much of the aging U.S. nuclear arsenal needs to be rebuilt
A B-2 Spirit from Whiteman Air Force Base performs an air refueling with a KC-135 Stratotanker from RAF Mildenhall, on June 11, 2014.If Ashton Carter is confirmed next month as defense secretary, as appears likely, he will face a dilemma: the Pentagon’s trillion-dollar plans to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal are excessive and unaffordable. As the Air Force and Navy admit, their nuclear shopping lists outstrip their budgets.
This gives Carter an historic opportunity to bring the nuclear weapons budget in line with U.S. security needs. There are real advantages to scaling back the nuclear enterprise. Carter will presumably want to start new projects and expand others, such as cybersecurity (think Sony hack and North Korea) and anti-terrorism (Paris terror attacks), and he will have to find the money from within his own budget.

Can Ash Carter Tame the Nuclear Weapons Budget?

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