
Monday, January 26, 2015

Electoral security/Greece new government

Voters swung to the once-marginal left-wing party after five years of punishing austerity measures [Reuters]Greece's new prime minister has been sworn in after forming a surprise anti-bailout alliance with a small right-wing nationalist party.

Alexis Tsipras broke with tradition and took a secular oath rather than the Greek Orthodox religious ceremony with which prime ministers are usually sworn in.
The 40-year-old, who drew remarks from some observers for not wearing a tie to the ceremony, becomes the youngest man to hold the post in150 years.

His Syriza party gained the key backing of Independent Greeks after Sunday's elections, paving the way for a coalition government.
Tsipras won the vote but fell short of the majority needed to govern alone.
"From this moment, the country has a government. Independent Greeks give a vote of confidence to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras," Panos Kammenos, leader of the Independent Greeks, said.

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