
Friday, January 23, 2015

International security/ The Russian position
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that the United states wants to 'dominate' the world and warned the West that attempts to isolate Russia would fail.
Speaking at an annual news conference in Moscow on January 21, ahead of planned talks in Berlin on the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Lavrov also said Russia supports territorial integrity for Ukraine and will do all it can to stop the fighting but put the blame on Kyiv and the West.
In line with remarks by President Vladimir Putin at closely watched forums in recent months, Lavrov used the traditional event in Moscow to portray the United States as an 'aggressive' but misguided giant that is undermining global security instead of ensuring it.
He said U.S. President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech on January 20 'showed that Americans again want to say that 'We are Number One' and the world has to acknowledge it.'
'This is not a modern approach,' he said, adding that 'it will go away' and 'is already changing,' citing U.S. efforts to build 'alliances and associations' to tackle global problems the United States cannot handle on its own, such as the threat from Islamic State militants.

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