
Sunday, January 25, 2015

International security/ The issue of funding must be clarified

From flickr.com/photos/69684588@N07/6819650248/: Women sit next to a graffiti that reads .Syria is free. at Taghyeer (Change) Square, where anti-government protesters have been camping for more than a year to demand a regime change, in SanaaJust days after President Obama laid out his plans to defeat ISIS, a Wahhabi fundamentalist 'state', he sends Vice-President Biden as standard bearer of America's 'grief' at the death of the king that funded it. The irony of this assignment was not lost on RT, that today is running clips of Biden just a few months ago castigating the Saudis for funding ISIS.

That Saudi Arabia should be funding ISIS, an entity that makes news by beheading hostages, is only logical. It punishes criminals the same way, and is currently administering one thousand lashes to a blogger, its 'humanity' evident in the decision to administer the punishment at the rate of 20 lashes a week.

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