
Sunday, January 25, 2015

International security/ Forgetting and forgiving Ukrainian Nazi coup organizers

Local residents remove debris at a house damaged by recent shelling in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, January 21, 2015As Russian, Ukrainian, French, and German leaders meet to attempt to craft a cease-fire and peace treaty, American diplomats and ambassadors are weighing in from their perch at Washington’s top think tanks.
In their version of events, Putin is violently expanding Russia’s borders, threatening not only Ukrainian independence but peace and prosperity in the Baltics and Caucasus, justifying an aggressive military expansion by NATO and the American military.
Leading this charge from the Brookings Institute are former Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer and former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, the President of the Institute.
Talbott, in an interview about his career posted on January 9, notes he met Putin in the 1990s and describes him as a Russian intelligence official concerned with protecting Russia from the international intelligence apparatus which was built to destroy the Soviet state.

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