
Friday, January 23, 2015

Terrorism threat/ To lower the profiles of troops in the community
Paris terror attacks clone1U.S. military installations across Europe are increasing security in the wake of the recent terrorist attack in Paris and disrupted plots in Belgium, Germany and France, U.S. European Command said on Wednesday.
“U.S. European Command directed its component commands to implement additional force-protection measures and random security enhancements at facilities across the EUCOM area of responsibility,” said Navy Capt. Greg Hicks, EUCOM spokesman. “We continually assess threats to our forces with and alongside our host-nation counterparts and take appropriate measures based on those assessments.”
Hicks declined to elaborate on the specific steps being taken or to offer an assessment of the threat.
Typically, enhanced force-protection measures can vary from base to base. They can include such actions as more stringent inspections of cars entering installations, random bag checks and increased security patrols.

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