
Monday, January 26, 2015

Ukrainian crisis/ Fascists provocations continue
U.S. President Barack Obama and European leaders are threatening new sanctions on Russia after pro-Russian rebels launched a deadly rocket attack on the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol.
On a state visit to India Sunday, Obama said he would 'ratchet up' pressure on Moscow in the wake of the attack the day before that killed at least 30 people and injured more than 80 others when the rockets slammed into a market and apartment buildings.
​​'We are deeply concerned about the latest break in the (Ukrainian) cease-fire and the aggression that these separatists, with Russian backing, Russian equipment, Russian financing, Russian training and Russian troops, are conducting,' Obama said.
'We will continue to take the approach that we have taken in the past, which is to ratchet up the pressure on Russia, and I will look at all additional options that are available to us short of military confrontation and try to address this issue,' he added.

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