
Monday, January 26, 2015

Ukrainian crisis/Fascists atrocities
U.S. puppet Pres Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine orders terror against his own citizens as he calls those who resist "terrorists." George Eliason reports embedded with Novorussia's Ghost Battalion and elsewhere.
A little over a week ago Petro Poroshenko ordered an all out assault on Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Faced with massive losses during the first few days the Poroshenko regime has resorted unsuccessfully to get both republic's listed as terrorist organizations by the EU and United Nations.
It started with the Volonavaha bus attack after which the bus driver states in an interview with the Korrespondent that a mine exploded and killed his passengers in Ukrainian controlled territory. Images from the scene taken by the Ukrainian army shows a soldier carrying what appears to be a claymore mine. Claymore mines are directional explosives that are set off remotely or by a trip wire.
Kiev is engaging in a game of escalating crimes against humanity. Each attack on civilian populations has been followed by an all out media blitz trying to place blame on the fledgling republics.

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