
Tuesday, March 29, 2016


WikiLeaks Documents Show Failures of Intelligence Gathering Effort at Gitmo

Guantanamo Bay Detention CampThe US established the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba over 14 years ago citing the need to detain and interrogate terror suspects captured during the US-led international "war on terror."

That effort has failed based on recent research based on WikiLeaks documents covering the interrogations and subsequent intelligence gathered at the US torture facility. Researcher Emanuel Deutschmann of the Bremen International Graduate School, ran an empirical analysis tracking intelligence patterns and the likelihood that the intelligence was correct.
His findings were astonishing. Although 85% of Guantanamo detainees were explicitly brought to Cuba “to provide information,” almost two thirds did not provide any information about fellow detainees at all. This suggests that either the detainees did not have the information that US officials had hoped for or that US torture methods are an “inefficient” method for gathering intelligence.

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