
Friday, April 22, 2016

Business security

Workers participation: Europeanisation of industrial relations

Social partners within state structuresThe European Company (SE) has added additional facets on obligatory worker involvement at European level particularly by including – for the first time – participation rights at company board level. As of 8 October 2004 it became possible to establish a European Company (SE). The main purpose of the SE statute (EC 2157/2001) is to enable companies to operate their businesses on a cross-border basis in Europe under the same corporate regime. An important feature of this new company form is (by means of the associated SE Directive of 2001/86/EC) that obligatory negotiations on worker involvement in SEs were introduced which include the question of representation of the workforce at board level.

Same assessments of the 2009 EWC Recast Directive’ implementation in national legislation have already been done in the Sustainable Company book series produced by the GOODCORP network of academic and trade union experts on corporate governance.

A vital step was made in 2016 concerning workers participation in business management; the year coped with the 20 years’ anniversary since the first European Works Councils (EWC) directive came into force in the EU. On this occasion, the European Commission is planning an evaluation of the EWC recast directive that will undoubtedly lead to debate on the need for further review of European regulation of EWCs. The year 2015 marked the fifteenth anniversary of adoption of the EU directive on workers’ involvement in the European Company (SE).

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