
Friday, November 4, 2016


Peter Kadzik: What More Will Wikileaks Reveal About the DOJ's Clinton Mole?

This week Wikileaks released a potential bombshell in the Podesta Emails when it revealed that a top Department of Justice Official, with a long and close personal history with John Podesta, the chairman of the Clinton Campaign, was providing the campaign with advance internal information about the series of investigations into Clinton.
Kadzik, who attended law school with Podesta at Georgetown, was also in the news this week as the FBI released its files on Mark Rich, a billionaire with close financial ties to the Clintons known for tax evasions and trading illegalities, who lobbied Podesta while Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff to obtain an infamous pardon. (Kadzik Biography at the Department of Justice)
Kadzik also appears to have been assigned a key role, given the FBI Director's re-initiating an investigation into the Clinton emails, at least in the DoJ involvement in the investigation as pertains to the Huma Abedin emails discovered on her husband's, former Congressman Anthony Weiner, computer.
Perhaps the email that stood out most to many was the one in which Podesta, referring back to the Monica Lewinski scandals of Bill Clinton, calls him a "fantastic lawyer" who helped keep him [Podesta] "out of jail."

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