
Friday, November 11, 2016

Electronic warfare

Russia receives first Il-22PP Porubschik electronic countermeasures planes

Russia's air force has taken delivery of the first three Ilyushin Il-22PP Porubschik aircraft, featuring up-to-date jamming equipment capable of disabling electronics systems on enemy planes.

The equipment for conducting electronic warfare has been installed on an airplane made in the mid-1970s. Despite this, developers insist that the updated machine can withstand the most modern electronic systems mounted on advanced foreign aircraft.

"The new equipment is capable of 'blinding' Airborne Early Warning and Control System [AWACS] aircraft," a source in the military-industrial complex told RBTH. "In addition to these, the Il-22PP Porubshchik effectively counteracts Patriot air defense systems."

According to the designers, the new Il-22PP Porubshchik can selectively disable enemy equipment using powerful interference while obstructing similar enemy means of electronic warfare.

"Before the electronic interference system starts, the plane scans radio signals in the area of its activity," RBTH's source said. "After the detection of frequencies on which enemy aircraft work, the aircraft's operator switches on interference in the desired range."

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