
Sunday, December 18, 2016


Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged

obama030On Thursday, December 15th the Cold Case Posse from the Maricopa County Sheriff Department has authorized the release of an exclusive video which scientifically proves that Obama’s birth certificate (BC) copy is an obvious fake. The investigation was headed by Mike Zullo with the official appointment made by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
It’s not even a good forgery; rather, the BC document posted at the official WhiteHouse.gov website by the POTUS is an extremely amateur and low-quality forgery.
This professional opinion has now been rendered by some of the best experts in the field of forensic document analysis.  These digital document specialists are in complete agreement that the birth certificate presented by President Obama is 100% fraudulent.
They have even gone on to prove that it was fabricated using another birth certificate which belonged to Hawaiian Johanna Ah’Nee.  The following video quite clearly demonstrates how Obama’s forger pieced the fake BC document together layer by layer.

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