
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Information security

Robert Steele: Barack Obama is Mis-Informed and John Brennan is a Liar — Van Jones (Crap News Network) and Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) are All Outright Liars — Fake News is What White House, Mainstream & Social Media Mandarins “Do”

Here is the “official” narrative from the White House relying on CIA (John Brennan, not the many good honest people at CIA), as re-played by Crap News Network (CNN) and others, and enforced by Facebook, Google, and YouTube:
01 The Russians “hacked” the US election. Never mind that they never touched a voting machine, did not actually leak anything, and did not affect the voting outcome. Donald Trump is an illegitimate candidate who would not have won if all the emails about pedophilia, electoral fraud against Bernie Sanders, treason including classified information send to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and charity fraud had not come out.
02 All citizen reports and opinions that question the official narrative are “fake news” and should be treated as spam (much the way Zionists now mass to label all criticisms of Zionist atrocities in Palestine and Zionist bribery and blackmail of US officials as “spam” so as to repress these views).
03 The good news: a majority of the public now understands that all institutions but particularly the mainstream media and the US intelligence community, cannot be trusted to deliver the truth about anything.

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