
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Innovations & technologies

Wearable Technology to Help Police Forces on Mission

Public safety officials are in a fierce search for applications that will help them with their tasks. The forces also need to be compact and effective, because of their already-heavy and clumsy equipment. For this purpose, a new generation of smartwatches is giving police a practical wearable option, offering the versatility of the apps in a convenient form factor.
According to insights.com, the average officer on the beat may carry a total weight of 30 pounds in equipment. While officers want the benefits of mobile law enforcement technology, they need them to be delivered in a discreet and easily managed physical format. Wrist-worn devices meet that need.
The technology ranges in use from data collection to productivity. For example, apps like US Cop can help police street officers immediately recall important information, such as accident investigation info,  brake efficiency; narrative templates; different tire size speed calculator; LiDAR (distance measuring by laser)  test instructions,  training articles, drug and chemical identifiers, law resources etc.

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