
Sunday, December 18, 2016


Priebus: Trump ready to accept Russia hacking report, if CIA, FBI get on same page

Reince Priebus by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Priebus suggested that the Trump team accepts CIA Director John Brennan’s statement that Russia was involved. However, he remains wary about news media reports that FBI Director James Comey agrees.
“Not when you have multiple people saying different things through third parties and media reports,” Priebus told “Fox News Sunday.” “It would be nice to hear from everybody.”
Priebus also said he was “100 percent confident” that the Senate will confirm Exxon/Mobile CEO Rex Tillerson as Trump’s pick to be the next secretary of state.
He also said he expected “everything to fall in line” Monday when the Electoral College votes to officially make Trump president and that Trump’s recent statements and actions don’t suggest that the president-elect is interested in “revisiting the [United States’] One-China policy right now.”

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