
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Poll results

Donald Trump Is Poised to Win Electoral College

Bret Chiafalo, a Democratic elector from Washington state who co-founded the anti-Trump group Hamilton Electors, said Sunday he remained hopeful about Monday’s Electoral College vote. “I think enough Republican electors are going to put country before party,” he said.The presidency is awarded to the candidate who wins at least 270 votes in the Electoral College, with each state assigned a certain number of votes based on population. Mr. Trump won a majority of the popular vote in enough states to accumulate 306 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232.
Liberal groups have urged Trump electors to vote for Mrs. Clinton, another candidate or not at all. But Republicans have said they may lose just one pledged elector, giving Mr. Trump more than enough votes to secure the presidency.
The Associated Press reported Thursday that, based on interviews with more than 330 electors of both parties, there was little evidence of a revolt.

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