
Friday, December 16, 2016

Syrian war

Multiple U.S. airstrikes destroy ISIS weapons cache in Palmyra

This image posted online on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, by the Aamaq News Agency, a media arm of the Islamic State group, purports to show a general view of the ancient ruins of the city of Palmyra, in Homs province, Syria, with the Citadel of Palmyra in the background. (Militant video via AP)American commanders in Syria followed through on pledges to destroy anti-aircraft systems and heavy weapons captured by Islamic State in Palmyra, launching multiple airstrikes against the terror group’s positions around the ancient Syrian city.
Over a dozen U.S. and coalition warplanes destroyed 14 Syrian tanks, three heavy artillery systems and one anti-aircraft artillery emplacement, according to a command statement by U.S. and coalition officials on Friday.
“We will not allow [the Islamic State] to maintain capabilities that threaten Coalition or partner forces,” Air Force Col. John Dorrian, the top U.S. spokesman in Iraq, said in the statement.
However, American and coalition fighters did not target the Russian-made Syrian SA-3 anti-aircraft missile system taken as part of the weapons cache seized in Palmyra after Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, captured the city.
The weapon remains in place near the Syrian air force base in Tiyas, roughly 40 miles west of Palmyra, a U.S. defense official told The Washington Times.

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