
Friday, February 10, 2017


Executive Order Signed By Trump Will Take Aim At MS-13

Story image for Executive Order Signed By Trump from Baltimore SunAn affidavit from an FBI special agent last year highlighted the transnational nature of MS-13. “MS-13’s primary functioning principles center on violence, including murder, and a strict military structure of communication and command, headquartered in El Salvador and spread throughout various ‘programs’ and ‘cliques’ in the United States,” FBI special agent Jeffery Wood wrote.
The gang, known for its brutal violence, has been recruiting young illegal immigrants in the U.S. from the Salvadorian community. Lou Gentile, a former officer with the organized crime unit of the Pennsylvania State Police, told Fox Latino that MS-13 “functions like all immigrant organized crime groups,” and targets “their own community.” (RELATED: Bodies Found In Quiet Long Island Town Probably Tied To MS-13)

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