
Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Forensic DNA profiling might be about to take a big leap forward. Are we ready?

A CSI (Crime Scene Investigator) swabbing blood left at a crime sceneCN09GW A CSI (Crime Scene Investigator) swabbing blood left at a crime scene
Picture the scene. A detective is addressing her team:
“The DNA test results are in. We’re looking for a white male suspect, 34–37 years old, born in the summer in a temperate climate. He’s used cocaine in the past. His mother smoked, but he doesn’t. He drinks heavily, like his Dad. We’re seeing high stress levels, and looking at the air pollution markers, let’s start looking downtown, probably near a major intersection”.
Science fiction? Yes, for now. But advances in epigenetics – the study of reversible chemical modifications to chromosomes that play a role in determining which genes are activated in which cells – might soon start making their way out of research labs and into criminal forensics facilities.

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