
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Nuclear security

‘The more nuclear weapons we have, the greater danger to our existence’- ex-Pentagon chief Cohen

‘The more nuclear weapons we have, the greater danger to our existence’- ex-Pentagon chief Cohen
Former Defense Secretary William Cohen told RT’s Larry King what he thinks of President Trump’s Cabinet picks, why he is uncomfortable with the president’s decision making, and what he thinks of putting Iran on notice.
Cohen Group chairman and CEO William Cohen explained to Larry King: “A possibility that a nuclear bomb will destroy an American city…or a city anywhere in the world,” keeps him awake at night just as it did when he was at the Pentagon.
“Once that happens, the likelihood of an existential threat to our existence on the planet becomes more real. Bill Perry, my predecessor in office, who’s a physicist, the father of stealth technology, has written a book about it, Going to the edge of this abyss, that was saying rather than focusing on how we can reduce the number of weapons. We have our president talking about maybe South Korea should have its nuclear weapons, maybe Japan should have its nuclear weapons, maybe the Saudis should have their nuclear weapons. The more nuclear weapons we have in existence, the greater the danger is to our existence. That keeps me awake at night,” he said.    

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