
Thursday, February 9, 2017


From Cheney to the CIA, the Enemies of Our Enemy Are Not Automatically Our Friends

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, in a photo taken on February 10, 2011. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)The refugees Cheney refers to aren't "here," of course, or what would be the point of Trump's entrance ban? Otherwise, I'd have to agree with the former vice president: you do need to look at "what's happening" but also -- something he didn't mention -- what happened in the Middle East to explain their need for refuge. Refugees from Iraq and Syria (among other places) have indeed lost their homes and homelands by the millions, in significant part because of the very invasions and occupations that Cheney and his president, George W. Bush, launched in the Greater Middle East, radically destabilizing that part of the world.

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