
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Economic security

Imagine What Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA?
In summary, this kind of economic blackmail on the part of the Trump administration against China does not work. It falls flat.
In turn, America is threatening both Russia and China militarily including the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons. How will Russia and China respond to US threats?
While US sanctions against Russia have largely backlashed on the European Union, it is not excluded (although unlikely) that China could at some future date respond to US threats by impose economic sanctions against the USA.
In the short run, the US cannot relinquish its imports of Chinese manufactured goods. It would be economic suicide.
Laughing in Beijing
Chinese policy makers are fully aware that the US economy is heavily dependent on “Made in China”.
And with an internal market of more than 1.3 billion people, coupled with a global export market, these veiled US threats will not be taken seriously by Beijing.

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